
The world of web and digital is full of self-proclaimed professionals. Whether in IT, marketing, or communication, it is crucial to ensure that you are working with truly competent experts. Here is a simple method to quickly verify a professional's credibility: use Google PageSpeed Insights to evaluate their website.

Why Use Google PageSpeed Insights?

Google PageSpeed Insights is a free tool that analyzes the performance of a website. It provides scores in four categories: Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, and SEO. A reputable professional should be able to present high scores in each of these categories.

Using PageSpeed Insights to Unmask Charlatans

To use this tool:

  • Go to Google PageSpeed Insights.
  • Enter the URL of the professional's or agency's website you want to evaluate.
  • Click "Analyze".

In a few seconds, you will get an evaluation of the site for its mobile and desktop versions. The Performance criterion is the most impacted between these two versions as we expect a faster site for the mobile version.

Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, and SEO

  1. Performance
    This category measures the loading speed of the site. A performant site offers a better user experience and is favored by search engines.
  2. Accessibility
    Accessibility measures how usable a site is for everyone, including people with disabilities. A good accessibility score shows that the professional considers all users, which is essential for a modern website.
  3. Best Practices
    This category evaluates whether the site follows current web standards. This includes aspects such as security and compatibility with different browsers. A professional with a good score here is up-to-date with the latest web trends and technologies.
  4. SEO
    SEO (Search Engine Optimization) measures how easily a site can be found by search engines. A good SEO score indicates that the professional knows how to optimize a site to attract more visitors. Note that there are other parameters to consider for good search engine ranking(*).


Other Tools to Test a Pro's Credibility

While Google PageSpeed Insights is a great starting point, there are other tools to evaluate website performance:

  • GTmetrix: Offers detailed performance analysis and recommendations.
  • WebPageTest: Provides an in-depth view of the site's speed and performance.
  • Lighthouse: Another Google tool, integrated into Chrome, that offers comprehensive performance audits.


Choosing The Right Digital Professional

By using Google PageSpeed Insights, you can verify a digital professional's credibility in seconds. Look for high scores in the four categories to ensure you are working with a competent expert.

By following these simple steps, you can avoid digital charlatans and choose credible professionals for your projects.

(*) And what about this site? I'll let you evaluate it 😉
But presence on search engines depends on many other parameters like Ads and social media. I must admit that I prefer to spend time working on other projects rather than promoting my site.

It's not those who talk the most who do the best.

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